
We conceptualize your innovative ideas and serve them as wireframes to elaborate the structure, layout, and information flow of a product.

Depending on how much detail is required, wireframes can be drawn by hand or created digitally. UX designers are the ones who employ wireframing the most frequently. This approach enables all stakeholders to agree on where the information will be placed.

Why do UI/UX designers use App Wireframes?

Wireframes are useful as communication tools because they encourage user feedback, start discussions with stakeholders, and spark creativity among designers. User testing during the initial wireframing stage enables the designer to receive honest input and identify crucial pain points that support the creation and development of the product concept. The best technique for designers to predict how users will interact with the interface is through wireframing.

  • Save Time and Money
  • Display the Architecture of Your Site
  • Make Content Development Better

Types of Wireframing tools

Wireframing shows the flow of rough layouts of various website or app pages which can be created using software like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch and Balsamiq.


Figma is the most popular browser-based designing tool that helps designers create all types of wireframes.

Adobe XD

Adobe xd allows you to access the powerful design feature to quickly wireframe, iterate, and share your designs.


Sketch is one of the best wireframing tools to reveal the blueprints or ideal structure of your website or app.


As standard low-fidelity wireframing software, you can use Balsamiq to elicit the basic design layouts of the final product.

Different types of wireframes

The three common types of wireframes

Low Fidelity Wireframe

Without including any design elements, they are created using a free hand on paper. You can view them as a skeleton of a website or app.

Medium Fidelity Wireframe

It shows more detailed visualizations, the interaction between pages, and more elaboration than low-fidelity wireframes.

High Fidelity wireframes

These wireframes are created using UI components, images, colors, and typography which are ready to be turned into a working prototype.

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